conhecimento não é aquilo que aprendemos ... mas sim no que nos tornamos



Gaia e SDi

Gaia e SDi

Mr. Google I accuse you. Your platform must be better at XXI century

you seem to be a easy program, but you aren't. I waste a lot of time at what you cold "Esquema" e other parts at
The world needs greater creativity. I am boring with this. I am boring with you. You must increment your side, your software with new platforms e new ways to develop my and others ways of human being.
If you don't understand, I explain better in Portuguese. No problem with that.
I waste lot of time working with pictures, with words, with everthing a this blog. Do you know what is formatting????
At this moment with the emergence of the great and big one´s networks while the great increase of techcnology, I consider reazonable and it´s not understandable your kind of Weaknesses points. We don´t need more and more Microsoft. We need only a powerfull Google with a new point of view ... and development. Your blog has the same features as I had last year.

With full consideration, I hope your answer me. It´s real these hope or not?

Is better to send you a letter... perhaps!!!

More flexibility, please, because it´s not easy working now with this kinf of performance.
Please do your best. My job is to create. Your job is to increase and to create a available technology with the best at market. Please ... at last year, you maintain the same. Be carefull with big one Microsoft. Last news talk about this ... yahoo is to be remembered.
It happens or not ? And Google?

Best regards

SM, palavra fractal