conhecimento não é aquilo que aprendemos ... mas sim no que nos tornamos



Gaia e SDi

Gaia e SDi

Terceiro olho

Third Eye and Pineal gland

Your Third Eye is located on your forehead just above the space between your eyes. Everyone has a Third Eye, and anyone has the capability of using it at any time. When using your third eye, you tap into a consciouness that you never knew you had, and can offer you insight into your life and the universe that you never knew existed.

" Já reparou como é difícil ser criativo e inspirado quando à nossa volta se encontram pessoas de mente rígida? Uma pessoa com um forte conceito mental a respeito de qualquer coisa é como uma cerca de arame farpado. É por isso que os mestres alquimistas, como Saint-Germain, nos dizem que não é boa ideia partilhar todos os nossos planos, mesmo com os amigos mais próximos. As construções mentais das pessoas, ou as mentes fechadas, podem destruir os nossos esforços criadores e fazer com que deixemos de estar em contacto com a nossa mente superior. O abuso grave das energias do chakra do terceiro olho, para prejudicar ou destruir os planos de outrem, é aquilo a que chamam «mau olhado».

Some are asking, what civilisation, conservation got to do with global warming ?
Let assume there is an economy transaction between two peoples, say Tom and Jerry.
(before ) .................. (after)
Tom + Jerry = (Tom + 3) + (Jerry - 3)
Jerry loss 3 units of wealth that gave to Tom his profits of 3 units. In the universe defined by Tom and Jerry, the units are conserved. It is a zero sum game.

But when nature is addded into the transaction
(before) .................................. (after)
Tom + Jerry + Nature = (Tom + 4) + (Jerry +2) + (Nature - 6)
The stated loss of (-6) suffered by the nature may take the form of : loss of oil, loss of forest, pollution, ozone, increase greenhouse gases. Tom gain (+4) because he pumping oil from the ground, Jerry gain (+2) because he furnished it to automobile for burning. What peoples have taken from the nature, nature has lost. One day, the nature cannot bear the lost anymore, it has to adjust itself from the losses. What will happen to Tom and Jerry ?

, palavra fractal